Sílvia Subirós (Figueras, 1983) Estudió Guión y Dirección de Cine y realizó un Master de Documental Creativo (ECIB). También es licenciada en Economía (UAB) y en Teoría de la Literatura (UB).
Con su primer cortometraje, La Edad del Sol (2010), ganó el premio al mejor cortometraje en el Festival Alcances de Cádiz y obtuvo el premio a mejor dirección en la categoría Nueva Autoría en el Festival de Sitges. (2010). También fue seleccionado en festivales como Documenta Madrid, entre otros. Codirigió el cortometraje FILMA, con Florencia Aliberti que se estrenó en l’Alternativa Festival de cine independiente de Barcelona.
The Festival of Lies es su primer largometraje documental con el que ganó el Premio Docs in Progress en Visions du Réel (Nyon, Suiza, 2015) y fue seleccionado en festivales como el Festival de Cine Radical de Norwich (Reino Unido, 2016) o el Festival de Cine de Tlanchana (México, 2017).
Interesada, además, por la relación entre cine experimental y documental, realizó varias películas y videoclips de metraje encontrado. Ha creado las piezas audiovisuales para la exposición El país dels cuiners en el Museo Empordà (2019).
En su último cortometraje, Can Gardell (2021), co-dirigido con Florencia Aliberti, las directoras trabajan con actores no profesionales, utilizando métodos de puesta en escena inspirados en el documental. Ha sido estrenado internacionalmente en Message to Man (San Petersburgo), su estreno nacional fue en Zinebi (Bilbao)y ha sido seleccionado en Indielisboa (Portugal) entre otros. Ha obtenido el premio al mejor cortometraje en el Festival de Cine de Manlleu entre otros premios.
Su segundo largometraje La Cocina de los hombres (2022) se estrena en el Festival de Málaga y ha sido seleccionada en DocsBarcelona, Fic-cat, Festival Alcances (Premio CIMA), Cambridge Film Festiva, Festival Memorimage (Premio Cinema-Rescat), Temporada Alta, Festival Rizoma (Mención Especial del Jurado, Terragollut, CinemaAttic Catalan Film Festival.
Actualmente, trabaja como realizadora y guionista de la serie documental Dones en Lluita (2025) dirigida y presentada por Txell Feixas.
Sílvia Subirós (Figueres, Spain 1983) studied Film Direction and received a Master’s in Creative Documentary Film (Barcelona Film School). She has also a degree in Economics (UAB, Autonomous University of Barcelona) and Literary Theory (UB, University of Barcelona).
Her first short documentary La Edad del Sol (2010) won the best short film award at the Alcances Festival in Cadiz and received the best direction in the “New Authorship” section at the Sitges Festival (2010), it was also selected in festivals like DocumentaMadrid, among others. She codirected a medium film called FILMA (with Florencia Aliberti, 2015) a participative documentary with young people premiered in l’Alternativa Barcelona Independent Cinema Festival.
The Festival of Lies (2016) is her first feature documentary. It won the Docs in Progress Award in Visions du Réel (Nyon, Switzerland, 2015) and was selected at the Norwich Radical Film Festival or Festival de Cine de Tlanchana (México, 2017).
Also interested in the relationship between experimental cinema and documentary, she made several films and video clips using found footage. She created the audiovisual pieces for the exhibit El país dels cuiners for the Empordà Museum (2019).
In her latest short film, Can Gardell (2021), co-directed with Florencia Aliberti, the directors work with non-professional actors, using staging methods inspired by documentary. It has been selected at Message to Man (Saint Petersburg), Zinebi (Bilbao), IndieLisboa (Portugal) among others. Best Short Award in Festival de Cine de Manlleu among other awards.
Her second feature film Men’s Cooking (2022)has its premiere in Festival de Málaga and has been selected at DocsBarcelona, Fic-cat, Festival Alcances (CIMA Award), Cambridge Film Festiva, Festival Memorimage (Cinema-Rescat Award), Temporada Alta, Festival Rizoma (Jury Special Mention), Terragollut, CinemaAttic Catalan Film Festival.
Sílvia Subirós (Figueres, Spain 1983) studied Film Direction and received a Master’s in Creative Documentary Film (Barcelona Film School). She has also a degree in Economics (UAB, Autonomous University of Barcelona) and Literary Theory (UB, University of Barcelona).
Her first short documentary La Edad del Sol (2010) won the best short film award at the Alcances Festival in Cadiz and received the best direction in the “New Authorship” section at the Sitges Festival (2010), it was also selected in festivals like DocumentaMadrid, among others. She codirected a medium film called FILMA (with Florencia Aliberti, 2015) a participative documentary with young people premiered in l’Alternativa Barcelona Independent Cinema Festival.
The Festival of Lies (2016) is her first feature documentary. It won the Docs in Progress Award in Visions du Réel (Nyon, Switzerland, 2015) and was selected at the Norwich Radical Film Festival or Festival de Cine de Tlanchana (México, 2017).
Also interested in the relationship between experimental cinema and documentary, she made several films and video clips using found footage. She created the audiovisual pieces for the exhibit El país dels cuiners for the Empordà Museum (2019).
In her latest short film, Can Gardell (2021), co-directed with Florencia Aliberti, the directors work with non-professional actors, using staging methods inspired by documentary. It has been selected at Message to Man (Saint Petersburg), Zinebi (Bilbao), IndieLisboa (Portugal) among others. Best Short Award in Festival de Cine de Manlleu among other awards.
Her second feature film Men’s Cooking (2022)has its premiere in Festival de Málaga and has been selected at DocsBarcelona, Fic-cat, Festival Alcances (CIMA Award), Cambridge Film Festiva, Festival Memorimage (Cinema-Rescat Award), Temporada Alta, Festival Rizoma (Jury Special Mention), Terragollut, CinemaAttic Catalan Film Festival.
Currently, she works as a director and scriptwriter for the documentary series Dones en Lluita (2025) directed and presented by Txell Feixas.